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Ceremonial site walk at Merrivale

Join us for a guided walk through an ancient and ritual Dartmoor landscape.

Dartmoor has the largest concentrations of stone rows in Britain as well as many stone circles, standing stones, and burial chambers. Led by Dartmoor’s Daughter, Emma Cunis, walkers will journey together through the impressive Merrivale complex with multiple stone and hut circles, rows, standing stones, cairns and cistvaens dating from the Bronze Age. We will explore this site taking an archaeological and phenomenological approach.

Level: Easy - approximately 2 miles on mainly level and grassy, open moorland.

Participants must be comfortable walking at a good pace in open and hilly moorland. Appropriate footwear and waterproofs essential. Feel free to bring a picnic lunch to have at the end of the walk.

Transport will be provided.

Dartmoor’s Daughter Emma Cunis is an inspiring Walking Guide, Nature-Connection Facilitator, Health and Life Coach, and Author. She creates walks and nature-connection experiences that invite a deeper (re)connection with our bodies, communities, and the land so that we can be happier, healthier, and inspired to care for our natural world.  

Date: Tuesday 2 November 2021
Meeting point: Plymouth city centre, full details will be provided in advance of the event.
Time: Leaving Plymouth at 9:00
Tickets: standard £5 / concessions £4  

Free for University of Plymouth students as part of SPiA (Student Participation in Arts).

The National Museum of Australia’s award-winning exhibition 'Songlines - Tracking the Seven Sisters' comes to The Box this autumn/winter. Experience ancient stories from the world’s oldest continuing culture, told through more than 300 paintings and objects by over 100 different artists. Take an epic journey that crosses three states, three deserts and some 500,000 square kilometres. With ceramics, paintings, sculpture, installation and film, come and immerse yourself in an exhibition that uses the power of art and culture to connect us across time zones and international borders.

To Book or for more information -

Earlier Event: 26 October
Does Britain have ancient 'Songlines'?
Later Event: 9 November
Ghostly Gidleigh & Afternoon Tea