Newly Discovered Stone Circles
For those of you who've walked with me around the many stone circles on NE Dartmoor, you will remember that I talked about Alan Endacott's theory and work to rediscover Sittaford Stone Circle in 2007.
Alan Endacott (second from left) with dig volunteers at the newly discovered Metheral stone circle on Dartmoor. Photograph: Chris Walpole
During his current PhD, Alan was supported to excavate and confirm another two stone circles near Belstone as well as other monuments. If you haven't already seen the news, you can read about it here
You can keep up to date with Alan's research on his FB page 'Alan Endacott: Sittaford Stone Circle & Dartmoor Ritual Landscapes Project'. There's a link to his crowdfund there too.
Dartmoor is an extraordinary living, working landscape. And there is so much here to discover, learn about, and love. In comparison to places like Stonehenge for example, DNPA archaeologists are offered such limited resources so it's the passion of people like Alan that can make all the difference to our understanding of the past, and how it might influence our future care for all aspects of the land and its people.