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Summer Solstice Sacred Crescent Walk - 8 Stone Circles on Dartmoor (Fully Booked)

Walk with us through an ancient, ritual landscape on Dartmoor. The eight stone circles on North East Dartmoor form an approximate arc. Taking an archaeological as well as phenomenological approach, we will journey together - sometimes in silence and sometimes sharing our experiences - through this wild and beautiful landscape asking questions of the ancestors, stones, and land along the way.


COST: £35 per adult. Older children 16+ years are welcome if they have sufficient walking experience and fitness. Group size is limited so pre-booking is essential.

A donation from all walks will be given to Donate for Dartmoor and the four Dartmoor Search and Rescue Teams.

Further Information

LEVEL: 4 out of 5. This walk requires a good level of fitness and is approximately 14 miles or 23 km. We will be following some grassy paths as well as making our way through long tussocky grass, up and down hills, and across open rough terrain. We will stop and spend time at each stone circle as well as the Whitehorse Hill burial chamber for anywhere between 10-20 minutes each depending on our pace.

WHAT TO BRING/WEAR: Sturdy hiking boots; sunscreen and warm layers; waterproof jacket and trousers (whatever the forecast); plenty of drinking water, snacks, and picnic lunch. You may also want map and compass; drum, or other musical instrument, poems/stories; dowsing rods if you have them, and questions/intution to honour these ancient monuments and see if we can divine answers together. (If you choose to bring offerings to leave at the circles, please only bring swiftly bio-degradable, seasonal, and entirely natural materials that are from or appropriate to Dartmoor with its wildlife and grazing livestock.)

Dogs - By arrangement only please. They must be under close control or on a lead all day. They will need to be quiet when we gather in the circles as well as well-behaved with people and other dogs, and not chase livestock, or disturb ground nesting birds.

TIME/WHERE TO MEET: 8.15am for 8.30am walking start at the grassy car parking area near 'Round Pound' on the way to Batworthy-In-The-Moor above Chagford.
Grid Ref: SX663868
Nearest postcode is TQ138ET but Sat Nav is very unlikely to get you to the exact location (it usually stops about 3/4 mile before the meeting point near the hamlet of Teigncombe) so please follow the directions emailed to participants.

Car parking is very limited so we request that you CAR SHARE as much as possible please. This also helps to lessen our impact on the environment. Please post your lift offers/requests in the facebook event page and/or email

Finish time will be approximately 6-7pm depending on our group pace and how long you want to spend in the circles.

CANCELLATION: The walk will go ahead come rain or shine. Sorry no refunds if you are unable to attend.

RISK: No liability accepted for accidents or incidents.